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This listing is for one Ritual Sistrum from The heART of Ritual.



The sistrum is a sacred instrument that came to us from the middle east, and is believed to have originated in ancient Egypt. Perhaps originating in the worship of Bat, it was used in dances and religious ceremonies, particularly in the worship of the goddess Hathor, with the U-shape of the sistrum's handle and frame seen as resembling the face and horns of the cow goddess.


The sistrum is believed to have been the forebearer of both the tambourine and eastern hand drums. Similar to ritual rattles, sistrums were ritually used to clear energy prior to ceremony, call in protection, move stagnant energy, and more. It is believed that processions of temple priestesses walked together playing sistrums both as a form of ritual announcement, a way of energetically clearing the space for ceremony, and as a way to time the rhythm of their steps while in procession. This then grew into becoming a ritual percussion instrument for therapeutic movement and ecstatic dance.



These sistrum handles are naturally shed deer antlers, gathered from the land by a friend of mine in England. Preparing the antlers for these rattles was very labor intensive so I'll write a little on that here. Firstly, I consciously choose to work with these antlers as not alone is deer earth element/north on the Celtic medicine wheel, but the antlers are bone (another earth element/north reference), and visually resemble the roots of trees. Each antler was cleansed, then washed and cleaned several times. Once dry, I hand sanded any rough, damaged or sharp areas. They were cleaned again, and once dry, I applied several layers of tannin rich acorn extract. Apart from bringing earthy Oak into this aspect of the sistrum, it offered a beautiful shade, a rich finish for the antlers, and also ensured that the areas I had sanded would blend in again completely. This extract was created by leaching the tannins from the acorns over low heat on the stove for a week. More time was given to preparing the antlers than I could have ever imagined, I see this as being an extra large dose of prayer and extended ceremony.



Three of our small hand forged Mindfulness Bells are attached to each sistrum. These assist you reclaim inner stillness, the grace of breath, perspective, clarity, and focus. I mindfully choose to include three as a reference to clearing the energies of past, present and future, and/or calling on the assistance of my past, present and future ascended Self, however the invitation is always for you to incorporate your own meaning and personal practice with these prayer tools. 


These sustainably hand crafted Mindfulness Bells are forged with simple hand tools​, f​ired in a kiln​, and individually​​ tuned by our master bellmaker until the tone is clear and true. ​The chime inside each bell is made from wind fallen Oak (Strength, Courage, Resilience) from my home area in South West Ireland.



These are attached to the sistrum by woven plant filaments of mugwort, wild nettle, and rose which has been dyed in verdigris. This cordage is handcrafted two ply plant fiber cordage was made over the summer and autumn last year, braided over Samhain, and dip dyed in verdigris.


These bells are hand forged from old animal bells, something that I find entirely enchanting in itself. They each have such wonderful character ~ they look like they have a tale to tell...and they do! Each has a beautiful range of natural colours, tones and textures.


Bells relate with the Air element, the season of Spring, the direction of East and new beginnings. They're so very alive, fresh, rich, and lush, just like everything should be when one celebrates new beginnings. String, ribbons and fibers all traditionally relate with the Spring and the element of Air. Copper is a conductor of energy and relates with Venus/Air element, hence my use of verdigris, a pigment I made that is extracted from copper.


Five miniature bells are attached from point to point on each sistrum by finely woven reindeer rawhide - one for the East, South, West, North, Center. The directions of 'Above' and 'Below' are represented by the uppermost point of the antler, and the lowest point.


These beautiful hand crafted ritual sistrums are both functional art and ritual tool in one.


Please note that these are large and the eight in this collection range in size (tip to tip on antler) from 17-20 inches.

Antler Ritual Sistrum (includes hand forged mindfulness bells)

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Only 2 left in stock


    Our Spring season shop opening takes place from
    9am on January 19th until 6pm on February 7th

     All times are Irish time. Orders ship from February 17th onwards and are fulfilled on a first come first served basis.
    'Made to order' offerings ship from February 24th onwards unless otherwise stated.

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    (To be announced via our newsletter in January)

    Seasonal Overview

    Season • Spring

    Element • Air

    Direction • East

    Archetype • Virgin/Youth Archetype


    Themes & Focus for this Collection

    This seasonal shop opening focuses on all things Spring/Air Element and coincides with the festival of Imbolc, the Celtic festival that marks the transition from Winter into Spring. This ancient festival celebrates the earth awakening, the serpent and dragon lines, seeding new beginnings/change, and is a time that is heavily pregnant with potential.

    Spring/Air Element references throughout this ephemeral collection include;

    The Element of Air, the Virgin/Youth Archetype, Brigid, Holy Wells & Sacred Fire, Ritual Purification, New Beginnings & the Winds of Change, Communication, Sound, & the Chakras of the Throat/Ears, Inner Tranquility & the ‘High Mind’, Vibrational Awareness (Chakras, Auric Layers, & Crystals), Heartspace & 'High Heart Harmony', Womb Cycles, Physical and Energetic WellBEing, the Respiratory System & the Breath of Life, the 'High Physical Body', Chartreuse Ray & Essential Life Force, Cleansing, Cleaning & Detoxing the Physical Body/Mental Body/Home, Dreamwork & Inspiration, Weaving ourSelves into BEing, Mark Making, Journaling & Wordsmithing, Plant Filaments, Fibers & Weaving Sacred Space, Sanctuary Places & Healthy Boundaries, Nesting & Seeding, Conscious Preparation for the Growing Year, and of course, rituals for the Head, Heart and Hands.

    Full insights into the season, it's energies, themes, and virtues are shared in depth in our newsletter. This gifts invaluable knowledge on the sacred framework of the season, and details the creative insights that inspired and shaped the offerings. To read more about our collection, receive exclusive early access, and a members only preview of these handcrafted ephemeral offerings, sign up for our newsletter. Newsletters are sent just once a season.

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