The next time you notice you’ve turned against yourself, tangled in a looping storyline about how you’ve failed, how you’re not enough, how there is something wrong with you…slow way down. Allow your center of gravity to drop, directing your energy and awareness toward the ground. Feel your feet on the earth.
Before you abandon yourself and your embodied vulnerability ~ parachuting into the unstable waters of rumination, shame, and blame ~ sense the roots extending out of the bottom of your feet and into the mud and the womb and the holding field underneath you.
In just this one micro moment, you are being asked to care for yourself in a new way, to see behind the veil, to cleanse your perception, and with compassion, to encode a new pathway. To provide a home, a sanctuary for the emotional and somatic world to unfold and be held.
With the ally of the breath, shift your precious life energy out of the overwhelming narrative, for it is no longer safe there. It is neither nuanced, nor subtle, not majestic enough to honor what you are and the intelligence of the ally and Friend as it courses through you.
Open into your belly, your heart, your throat, and the holiness of your nervous system. Place your hand onto the rippling life and listen. Taking a few deep breaths, ask: what is wanting to be met now? To be known? To be birthed and touched in this moment? What is the wisdom of the soul, in its creative unfolding, longing for me to feel and metabolize? In what way am I being asked to care for the vulnerable, the tender, and the shaky within me?
With curiosity, patience, and mercy, see the ways you leave the embodied world of pure feeling, bailing on your vulnerability as you escape back into the conditioned, old, unsafe narrative of complaint, resentment, shame, blame, and self-attack. Return home.
While it may seem you are longing for something outside you, in these moments you are only longing for your own presence. For safety where it was unsafe. Companionship where you were lonely. Reassurance where you were afraid.
For you need yourself now more than ever. This world needs you now more than ever.' ~ words by Matt Licata.