Imbolc marked the transition between the Winter (earth element season) and Spring (air element season). So, as we journey deeper into the season of the Air Element (Spring), here's a little elemental story for the season that's in it. Expect lots of posts relating with the Spring and element of air from here on.
There was an old priest I knew, Father McManus, and when he would go walking in the green lawn before the house, his man, Keary, would go with him, and he carrying three sticks. After a while the Priest would say, "Fire your stick, as far as you can" and Keary would throw it. And he would say the same thing a second and a third time, and after that the Priest would say, "We have no more to protect us now," and they would go in. Another priest I was talking to the other day was telling me 'They' are between earth and air and the grass is full of them.
Testimony of a Piper.
From 'Visions and Beliefs in the West of Ireland' by Lady Gregory. 1920. Art by Iris Compiet