
The ancient roots of 'Valentine's Day'
Although the heart is probably the symbol most associate with Valentines Day, it might surprise people that the wolf can also lay claim...

The Feast Day of Brigid (Lá Fhéile Bhríde) and the ancient Irish festival of Imbolc
If you're Irish like me, you will know that today (February 1st) is the feast day of St. Brigid (Lá Fhéile Bhríde), a fixed date holiday...

The Fairy Wind
Some believe that the Good People travel within a 'Fairy Wind' to move from one place to another, this is why must never interfere with a...

An insightful description of the Leprechaun
The Leprechauns are merry, industrious, tricksy little sprites, who do all the shoemaker’s work and the tailor’s and the cobblers for the...

Brigid: The Pagan Goddess(es) of Ireland?
Imbolc is a celebration of the returning light and Brigid herself is believed to be an incarnation of a Proto-Indo-European dawn goddess,...