
The Strange Wonder of Fairy Light
We often find that accounts of people encountering fairies at night begin with a strange and unusual light near a rath, stone circle or...

The Amadán - The Most Dangerous Fairy of All?
The Amadán is a denizen of fairy said to be most active during the month of June and a fairy being sometimes linked to the solstice...

Amoral Tricksters that Enhance World Mythology and Entertain Cultures
Mythologies around the world speak of beings which cannot be defined as good or evil. German folklore mentions a household elemental...

The Rise of New Fairy Religions
Recently, there has been an explosion in the growth of new fairy religions, as well as the popularity of fairy worship within mixed...

Sage Advice on how to see the Fae Folk
"The condition favourable to the belief that Fairies are being seen would seem to be that the right type of person should be in an...

Can Fairies Lie According to Irish Lore?
I was interested in a question that Morgan Daimler author posed regarding fairies in Irish lore and whether they are compelled to always...

Dark Bealtaine Folklore and The Fairy Queen
Depending on where you live on this beautiful planet, astronomical Bealtaine will take place on either May 5th or 6th this year. The dark...

Bealtaine, Fairies, and the Pleiades
In a previous post I wrote about the connection between our concepts of the similar patterns which appear throughout the universe,...

Fairies and the Changing Seasons
I had a question put to me recently which I found interesting. Do fairies come and go with the seasons, and might one type of fairy be...

The Elf Stone
"The 'Elf-stone' (aka Elf-shot) is described as sharp, and with many corners and points, so that whichever way it falls it inflicts a...

Bluebell Folklore
The bluebell thrives at the start of the warmer weather but will die off from mid-June, when the trees have their full compliment of...

Spring Equinox & The Fairy Hunt
"And beyond them, almost hidden by the moon shadows, were the Lords of the Ever-Living Ones: the antlered helmets of the Wild Hunt, the...

The Fairy Wind
Some believe that the Good People travel within a 'Fairy Wind' to move from one place to another, this is why must never interfere with a...

Fairy Paths and Ghost Roads
A few posts back I wrote about the secret fairy-paths of the air, and how a person might inadvertently get whisked away being caught up...

Tír na nÓg & The Irish Otherworld
Where, or even what, is Tir na nÓg? Being a Fortean writer who happens to be Irish, as opposed to being an invested scholar or advocate...

The Secret Fairy-Paths of the Air
In previous posts I wrote about the argument that a person today is so embedded in contemporary life that they have little chance of a...

An insightful description of the Leprechaun
The Leprechauns are merry, industrious, tricksy little sprites, who do all the shoemaker’s work and the tailor’s and the cobblers for the...

Seasonal Poetry & Prose: 'Fairy Tea', by D. K. Stevens
‘Twas very, very long ago, in days no longer sung, when giant stood about so high, and pixies all were young. The Queen of Fairies said...

Fairies in the grass: A Priest's view of (and method of thwarting) the Faerie
Imbolc marked the transition between the Winter (earth element season) and Spring (air element season). So, as we journey deeper into the...

Tale of a Scottish Brownie
There was a Brownie who lived and worked in the house of Maxwell, Laird of Dalswinton. This Brownie was particularly close to the...