
Shetland folk tradition of Skelling, Skeklers and Guising
'For ‘a coarn o meal, a penny o money, ir a piece o flesh’ a handful of grain, penny of money, or piece of meat.' Any evidence of...

The Light of the Christ Child
Today’s light emanates from the Christian story that God’s son was born to Mary, a virgin, in a stable in Bethlehem, to save mankind from...

The Light at the edge of the Woods
I chose the lamp post from The Lion, the Witch, and the Wardrobe as today’s source of light primarily because it’s tied into many...

The dark history of Christmas traditions
Peace, goodwill, tidings of comfort and joy… don’t you believe a word of it, says David Barnett, as he delves into the more sinister...

Christmas Cards from the Victorian Era
A gallery of seasonal greeting cards from a time before Christmas became sanitized. Enjoy!