
On the Gift of Wholeness
This time of the year can be difficult for many, opening a portal into feelings and memories of deep loneliness, shame, sadness, and...

On the Bedrock of BEing
It’s compassionate and also merciful to step back and acknowledge how much we’ve been through with this pandemic. Just to be alive as a...

On Shadowlands
We all have aspects or ourselves that we’ll do just about anything to avoid ~ our deep fear of intimacy, unacknowledged narcissism,...

On Integration
Just because we 'have' an experience does not mean it is 'integrated' and metabolized. Just as the belly can experience leaky gut,...

On Earthing
The next time you notice you’ve turned against yourself, tangled in a looping storyline about how you’ve failed, how you’re not enough,...

The Elder Archetype and the Earth Element
'Remember, the ugly, old woman/witch is the invention of dominant cultures. The beauty of crones is legendary: old women are...

A Glimpse Into the Lives of Ireland's Most Notorious Witches
Alice Kyteler First up is Dame Alice Kyteler, who owned the Kyteler Inn, in Kilkenny, where she would lure local businessmen with her...

Ancestralizing the Dead, by Malidoma Patrice Somé
Dagara people’s main job is to look the dead in the face, to treat their bodies not as remains but as temples of grace and beauty ...

Symbolism and the Alchemy of the Archetypes
It may not look like it, but on my hands I carry the remains of two guns. The blood red color is a blend of iron oxides derived from...

The Wind on the Hills
'The Wind on the Hills' by Dora Sigerson Shorter (1866-1918). Go not to the hills of Erin When the night winds are about; Put up your bar...

Ireland's First Witch Burning: Petronilla de Meath
There is a famous Jonathan Swift quote about how the law impacts upon the rich and poor in unequal measure which reads, “Laws are like...

On Dissolution
In times of liminality and transition, grief begins to emerge from the shadowlands. But to even begin to touch it can break us open and...

On Point Zero
On a conscious level of course we very genuinely want to heal and fully step into a life of deep intimacy, creativity, and aliveness....

Seasonal Tutorial: How to make natural seed feeders for our feathered friends
This sharing relates with nature related ceremony and a thoughtful, green offering for our feathered friends during the cold win. The...

Apothecary Recipe: Ribwort & Lemon Cough Syrup
Ribwort Plantain is an old remedy for coughs and catarrhal inflammatory disorders of the airways, and is used to relieve dry irritating...

On Grief
It's okay to be sad, to feel a bit shaky and uncertain, melancholic, to lament, and to grieve. Despite a collective disembodiment to...

Seasonal Tutorial: How to make hand rolled Beeswax Candles
Hand rolled beeswax candles are simple and beautiful, and are easy to make. Even little ones can help make these with a little help from...

On Perception
We all have certain feelings or experiences that we’ll do just about anything to avoid. It’s just too much, too raw, too tender, too ...